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How to Check Bluetooth Version on Your Android Phone

Hey guys, today I am going to tell you that how you can check Bluetooth version on your Android phone very qucikly. Users can even check bluetooth version on Samsung phones also. I have also explained how you can use some Android app to check Bluetooth version.

It happens with us sometimes that we try to connect our Android phone to any Bluetooth speaker. But, the problem occurs is that it shows that the Bluetooth version is incompatible. Later on, you find that the Bluetooth speaker ha no refund policy as well as exchange policy. So, by this, your money gets wasted. However, if you should check Bluetooth version on your Android phone and then purchase a Bluetooth speaker according to it. Then, it doesn’t happen to you.

Sometimes Bluetooth plays an important role in tech daily. If we have to share one or two photos then it is a quick option available on our Android phone to perform this action. Undoubtedly, this is an efficient and better performance having feature on Android. It is an amazing wireless technology for exchanging data in a short distance over a short wavelength.

How to Check Bluetooth Version on Your Android Phone

There are many methods available to check Bluetooth version on your Android phone. But, this method uses an inbuilt option that is available on every Android phone. Users can not even find the Bluetooth version on android but can also figure out Bluetooth permissions, Bluetooth default apps, force stop Bluetooth and more. Follow the entire method very carefully to figure out the Bluetooth version on your Android phone quickly.

  1. Go to the Settings on your Android phone.
  2. Click on Apps or Manage Apps option.
  3. All the apps installed on your Android phone will appear here.
  4. From the Dropdown, option select All apps option.
  5. Scroll down and click on BT Share or Bluetooth Share.
  6. You will be able to see the Bluetooth version at the top of that page.

How to Check Bluetooth Version on My Samsung Phone

We all know that Samsung phones use the Android operating system. However, Samsung used to customize the Android operating system in Samsung Android phones. So, in the above paragraph, I have described how you can check Bluetooth version on your Android phone. Similarly, the same method can be followed by Samsung users also. But, the thing is that at some points the options may be changed, nothing else if different. Moreover, if you wish to use the Bluetooth version checker app then you can also sue them on your Android phone.

Bluetooth Version Checker App

There are tons of Bluetooth version checker apps available on the Google Play Store for free. If you do not want to follow any kind of method to figure out the Bluetooth version on your Android phone. Then, you can freely download and install any Bluetooth version checker app which you would like. What you have to do is that type and search for the “Bluetooth version checker app” on the Google Play Store.


This was the entire article about how you can check Bluetooth version on your Android phone. If you have any problem with the method described in this article. Then, you can use the Bluetooth version checker app for free. However, I will recommend you to use this method because it uses an inbuilt option from your Android phone to let you find out the Bluetooth version. I hope this article has helped you a lot. Make sure you share this article with your friends also.