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TOP 7 Best WAY to Organize Apps on Android – Android Organizer Apps

The best way to organize apps on Android. You can use these following methods to organize apps on Android. These are the best way to organize apps on your Smartphone. I will share all about color code, Home Screen, smart bar and much more. All these methods will make easy for you to organize apps on your Android Phone. Users can do multitasking quickly and make their Android run faster.

Creative ways to Organize your Apps

Our smartphones are full of apps and games any given time. There is such a wide range of apps for various purposes that we end up getting one or two for each of our need. We keep at least two for listening to music, one or two media players, a news app, some games. And then there are some unique fun apps on the market too.  The presence of all these can make our mobile hone look like a hot mess. And that’s exactly what happens many a time also. If we have loads of apps stacked on our smartphone, finding one we need at the moment becomes confusing and frustrating. But there is some best way to organize apps on Android.

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Best WAY to Organize Apps on Android

So, in this article, I am going to provide you some tips on best way to organize Apps on Android Phone. We all love the look of an organized closet after our mom ends up her cleaning, isn’t it? You’ll get the same feeling once you have followed the below-mentioned tips to organize your apps on Android phone. Let’s begin with the best way to organize apps on Android.

1. Put Apps in Alphabetical Order Alphabetical Organization – Arrange Apps Alphabetically Android Marshmallow

It is one of the best way to organize Apps on Android phone. It takes us much less time and labor to search something in a dictionary and encyclopedia. Because of their alphabetical order organization. If we want to look for a word or topic, we just start to search for it by following their alphabet trial. Now imagine having to search for something in a book which doesn’t support alphabetical organization. Nightmare, isn’t it? Set the apps according to their alphabet, and you’ll find it very easy to find them when required.

  1. Just click on the three vertical dots at the right corner of your screen when you head over to the app screen.
  2. Now, tap on the Sort by.
  3. Now, click on the Alphabet/A-Z option to organize your apps in alphabetical order.

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2. Action Categories

Keeping similar kinds of apps together in action folders is an excellent way to organize your phone. It is identical to creating a folder on your PC. And keeping all the relevant and similar things together in the folder with the folder name indicating the types of contents saved in it. For instance, you can keep your media player, music player, YouTube, Netflix. And others like them together in an action folder named Entertainment or Media. It is considered to be the best way to organize apps on Android.

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3. Color Code in Android

If visuals are easier for you to understand and observe. You can use color coding for organizing apps on your Android phone. While using an app for a long time, we get accustomed to identifying the app with its icon and the color of its icon. For example, when we think of the Facebook app, blue color instantly comes to our mind. Same is the case with Twitter and Messenger.

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So, what you can do is keep all the similar color or shaded apps together next to each other. For example, you can save Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Duo, Hike, SHAREit and some blue colored icon featuring games next to each other or close to each other. Just do the same with all the different colors, and you can organize your apps easily via color coding.

4. Change Android Home Screen

There are some apps among our lot which we use very frequently than the rest. For instance, we use Facebook, WhatsApp, Browser, Messenger almost every day. So, what you can do is keep all your frequently used apps on your Home screen only.

That way, whenever you want to use them. You won’t need to search for them among the other apps on your phone. You’ll find them on your home screen only. It saves up much of your time and labor. You can keep about 10-14 apps on your home screen at a single time. Use the space wisely!

5. Using Themes

It is another best way to organize apps on Android. Users can use to hold your apps by their functioning. Although an action folder is a better choice to keep similar apps together. You can use themed rows if you don’t want to go through the trouble of finding and opening a folder.

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All you need to do in this case is to keep the apps with similar functions next to each other. For example, you can arrange Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter one after the other as they are all social media apps. You can do the same for messaging apps, navigation apps, entertainment apps, music apps, games, etc.

6. SmartBar

There is a tool on your Android phone which makes the task of finding an app more accessible. Instead of manually searching for the apps to get the right one. You can SmartBar to do so in just a couple of clicks. All you have to do is set it up on your home screen and organize your apps around this feature. It’s simple, easy and saves you a lot of labor.

7. A Single Folder-ridden Home screen

I already told you about organizing your apps using action folders on your smartphone above. You can go one step further and keep all the folders you created in the process at your home screen only. Android provides us with the option to save multiple home screens. But frankly speaking, no one wants to slide that much. So, instead of keeping your frequently used apps on your home screen. You can follow all your folders there and find whatever app you want to in short time.


All these are tested the best way to organize apps on Android. You can use these ways to organize any apps on your Android device. It will make more accessible for you to access your android phone easily. You can also share any other method in the comment section below. And don’t forget to share this article on the best way to organize apps on Android with your friends.